Unreal Engine - The Parasites [v0.] [Rab-Bit]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game comes with great potential my first known of this game is from steam demo i was play with only nude with no-sexual content and think that it would be good if the dev adds some but for now i found this game here with sexual content tags and i think wow!!! HERE WE GO.

    With current version I've played 0.12.05 the graphic is great the animation is so good and the content are very strong (it really hardcore to play without cheat) and also it has SEXUAL CONTENT now (only masturbation) if you love survival game with some sexual content you have to try for now the game is a little bit buggy with crash if you enter some where

    I will be looking forward for this game if it would be adding more sexual content with those creature
  2. 3.00 star(s)



    It’s a good project overall, but with its downsides—and some very big ones. One of the biggest is that it’s not original at all and somewhat resembles DayZ and The Forest. But even compared to DayZ... it doesn’t give the experience you’d expect from this type of game.

    There is no sexual content here. Well, technically, there is, but it’s easier to say that there isn’t. This is not a game about sex; it’s mostly about exploring the world, searching for loot, crafting, and so on. The inventory system is implemented quite well, but not by the developer, so there’s no point in discussing it. I’ll just mention that you have slots in your pockets, and if you don’t have pockets, you don’t have slots. And it’s not hard to guess that to have pockets, your character needs to be wearing pants.

    The crime here is the auto-translation of text, which is so chaotic that I thought the police were already coming to deal with it. I’m, of course, glad to see the Ukrainian language in the game, but... this seems more like a mockery of the Ukrainian language than an actual attempt at localization.

    As the developer has stated, this project is in development, so optimization might be poor—and yes, it is poor. Not critically bad, but you can feel that no attention has been paid to it. Yes, the project works, but not well enough for comfortable gameplay. However, the size of the map and the amount of content justify the poor performance, as it’s quite difficult to control resources on such a large and content-rich map during development. I think these are just temporary issues, not something too critical.

    23 gigabytes, well, I don’t know… for 23 gigabytes, it feels very empty. There’s absolutely no content to justify such a size. Even all the models and textures shouldn’t weigh that much—technically they can, but… I have no idea how they managed to make it 23 gigabytes.

    Is it worth playing, trying to play, or spending time downloading? No, it’s not. Download The Forest instead—it’s smaller and much more interesting. Yes, there’s no sex in The Forest, but there’s none here either. Right now, there’s practically nothing to do in this game.

    In the game, there’s a grave for some guy, probably a supporter who backed the project and died because of it, I don’t know… Guys, be careful, your life is important.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Game as base is good, but gameplay is lacking.

    It has mostly good graphics, nothing that would make you want to quit, but could be improved. On the other hand inpact on pc is big and it gets cooked.

    Survival elements are fine, I especially like part with injuries where they can be caused to several body parts and each has to be treated seperatly.

    Fighting is a bit harder, I didn't figure how to draw weapon, fist fighting is like... I don't know how to describe it, it's place for improvement. At least from animation part.

    Placement in forest is... I don't like it, maybe it's because in tutorial you need to find 2 small stones and even tho you see tons of such stones, I found only 1 that I could pick... and maybe it's just because game could be more fun in city where it would be easier to find both items and enemies.

    One thing to mention - clothing system - it's nicely done, there is visible damage to clothing, things can get dirty and be washed in water.

    Overall I'd say try it, if you feel like 16GB or how much it has is no problem for you. Can take about half hour of your life as it is now.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Qui Gon

    Downloaded the game again & now using UPLOADNOW instead the part separately & it works quite well, so no the game is NOT a 1 star,thus i had to change my review.
    The Game is also available on Steam & they even provide a free demo :)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has potential, I'll happily wait for the release!

    In my opinion, the fact that the game is hardcore and 18+ is a good enough sign, it makes it interesting to get into the game and play with both hands, if you know what I mean).
    Especially the gameplay is there, even the mechanics are there, I am personally interested and respect to the developer for continuing to develop their game.

    I think in the future is waiting for a lot of 18+ content, and you can differently realize it, but I do not like when 18+ content with mutants, as for me it's nonsense. I hope it will be with people, as it should be, and mutants to farm, loot and so on.

    Also, since it is an early alpha version, I would like to see cheats on the game to be able to run and explore the world, buildings, inventory, crafting and so on, because the animals move at a very fast speed, they run through the character, and enjoy the game does not get, slightly reduce their speed and make a delay before the attack, the animal saw the MC, and let him growl or something else, so that it was clear that attack. Also would like to make the vegetation a little less, yes, it can be removed in the settings, but I think in the game with grass HUGE overkill, it is too much, although.... maybe such a world will be explained by the story, I hope, we'll see.

    Good luck with the development! I'll be waiting for the release on Steam.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Well this is a good start, I agree with all 4 points the
    colleague said below, and exactly because of that, that I think this game has some good future, this is like that "Resident Evil porn game" (who's going over for some years and I still love) but with the forest. It can be so much more with time. A survivor 3D porn game with good ambience and new monsters, hell yeah, finally. I can't wait to see it shine with some time.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a "The Forest" clone with some vaguely lewd elements included.
    Gameplay is fairly weak, but that's to be expected this early on, balance is all over the place, with some enemies going out in a couple hits with most being able to tank your swings for ages.
    Building and crafting is okay, storage is a bit too limited when you get into proper backpacks, but overall it's functional.
    The visuals work well, it's the usual high fidelity display you see from unreal titles, there's a few bugs with certain higher video settings and a lot of clipping on the clothing, but overall it looks decent enough.
    The lewd content is where it really dries up, there's a handful of masturbation sequences that you can watch once you build a proper bed, which takes a while to do.
    Another big issue with the lewd content is the fact that it's not even a major consideration according to a few people, no defeat animations, no mechanics tying it back in to the regular gameplay, none of that planned to be included, it's just kinda there as something you can do when you get bored of lopping down trees and looting abandoned soviet bunkers.
    It's rather disappointing because there's a ton of potential here, a clone of the forest with lewd content that factors into the actual gameplay would be great, imagine surviving for days only to end up losing a fight and being dragged off to some sketchy underground rape dungeon.
    Really does feel like a case of "well I can't just make a clone of this other game, so I'll just add a couple CGs and get the coomer audience and doge the 'no sexual content' tag!".
    Really wish there was more to it, could take this a really long way if the dev committed to fully embracing the erotic content intended for the game.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    DO not download this game for quick faps, this is a game to play like The Forest, and occasionally goon when you feel like it. (EVENTUALY once there is actual porn)

    I don't actually hate this game and hope the dev the best but it is very poor timing to put on this site as most the coomers here ain't gonna play the tutorial (i.e. half the complaints about the game) or upset that this "hard" game has little porn (an actual complaint for a NSFW game)

    In it's current state, i.e. early early alpha it has an interesting idea that being 3rd person The Forest with porn elements. It has some issues atm.
    1. No Porn, come back later to see if we get some or the games abandoned
    2. The game is a little bit more hardcore than most porn games and can scare people off if that ain't your cup of tea. (It's mine so hopefully this game continues)
    3. The game feels like it's a new or newer single dev so that comes with a lot of worms and a lot of jank.
    4. Game running on max settings on launch/20gig already (western devs can not fathom optimizing games)
    5. The map has no flow and that can almost make it harder for players without even realizing it.

    Still interested in this game and if the dev shows progression and willingness to keep at it and make it better I'll invest but atm it is in no state to play for any reason as lack of content from maps or actual nsfw scenes, to there no actually fun gameplay loop that you can't get from The Forest or any other similar game and no story/characters to get you hooked at all to at least weasel the game into the back of your mind. So for now it is simply look at it every few months till progress is made.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Not Worth To Download Has No H Scenes With The Enemies As Of Now.
    Good Graphics But Not Worth 20 GB Download.
    Unless Someone Wants To Play Just For Combat Content Play Better AAA Games Made By Better Studious.